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10 Tips for decorating and optimizing space in a simple double bedroom


Quartos simples de casal podem ser desafiadores quando se trata de aproveitar o espaço de forma eficiente. Com pouco espaço disponível, é fácil sentir-se sobrecarregado e sem saber por onde começar.

decoração para quarto simples de casal

However, with a few simple tips and tricks, it is possible to transform a simple bedroom into a cozy and functional space for you and your partner.

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10 Dicas para decorar e otimizar um quarto simples de casal

1.Use móveis multifuncionais

One of the main strategies to make better use of the space in a simple double bedroom is to invest in multifunctional furniture. For example, you might opt for a wardrobe that doubles as a chest of drawers, or choose a bed with storage space underneath. 

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cama com gavetas

2. Escolha móveis de tamanho adequado

Imagem/Reprodução: Archidaily – Projeto: Pátio Arquitetos. Carolina Lacaz

Another important factor to consider when choosing furniture for a single bedroom is size. It's easy to be tempted to buy large, luxurious pieces, but those pieces can quickly overwhelm the space.

movéis adequados para quarto simples de casal
Image/Reproduction: Pinterest

Em vez disso, escolha móveis que sejam proporcionais ao tamanho do quarto e que possam ser facilmente movidos se necessário. Além disso, é importante ter cuidado para não escolher móveis que sejam muito pequenos, pois eles podem no final ser insignificantes e não fornecer o suporte necessário para seu uso, há também a opção de fazer planejado.

3.Use plantas


As plantas são uma excelente maneira de aproveitar melhor o espaço em um quarto de casal, Elas adicionam vida e cor ao quarto, além de ajudar a purificar o ar. Escolha plantas de interior que sejam fáceis de cuidar e que se adaptem ao tamanho do seu quarto, também podem ajudar a criar um ambiente acolhedor e relaxante.

4.Take advantage of vertical space

Quando o espaço horizontal é limitado, é importante aproveitar o espaço vertical. Isso pode ser feito colocando prateleiras nas paredes, ou mesmo colocando armários ou estantes até o teto. 

simple double bedroom practical ideals
Playback image: Pinterest

That way, you'll basically be able to free up a good amount of space on the floor and place other items.

5.Choose curtains and blinds

Another way to make better use of space in a simple double room is choosing curtains and blinds that match the design of the room.

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simple and neutral double bedroom
Imagem/ Reprodução: Pinterest

Therefore, they can be used to control natural light and help maintain some privacy for the couple.

6.Use dividers

Uma maneira criativa de aproveitar melhor o espaço em um quarto simples de casal é usar divisórias, They can be used to create additional storage areas, separate work areas or even create a small office in the bedroom.

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Partitions can be made of materials such as wood, glass or acrylic, in addition, they are easy to install and remove if necessary.

7.Add decorative lighting

Lighting is essential to create a cozy and functional atmosphere in a simple double bedroom.

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imagem: instagram @marilia.arq

In addition to general lighting, it's important to add decorative lighting such as lamps or bedside lights.

This can help create a warm and relaxing atmosphere, and it can also help brighten specific areas of the room, such as the bed or work area.

8. Adopt a minimalist decor

simple double room
Image/Reproduction Pinterest

Minimalist decor is an excellent choice for single rooms as it focuses on a few key elements and empty space.

This helps create a sense of space and order. Choose furniture and accessories with clean, simple lines and avoid clutter.

Choose light, neutral colors and add an element or two of color to create visual interest.

9. Explore stage lighting

Scenic lighting is a lighting technique that allows you to create different atmospheres in the bedroom, depending on your needs.

monochromatic single bedroom
simple monochromatic double bedroom – Image: Decorpad

This is achieved by combining different light sources such as natural light, ceiling lamps, bedside lamps and lamps. 

Use scenic lighting to highlight specific room elements, like a painting or a plant, and create different moods for different occasions, like relaxing or working.

10. Use technology smartly

Technology can be used intelligently to make better use of space in a single bedroom.

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For example, you can use home automation devices to control lighting, temperature, and other aspects of your room. This can help create a comfortable and cost-effective environment.

In addition, you can use devices such as voice assistants or monitoring devices to control room security and accessories.


Você viu que existem muitas maneiras de aproveitar melhor o espaço em um quarto, desde adotar uma decoração minimalista até incorporar elementos naturais e a tecnologia ao seu favor.

Remember that the objective is to create a cozy and functional environment at the same time, and for this to be achieved, it is necessary that small changes and adaptations are made in your room.