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House Room

House + Charm = Good Taste

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cozy house 

Who doesn't want to have a cozy home to enjoy, I believe everyone does! Yeah, I'm also trying to leave mine like that, you know how it is, saint of the house doesn't work miracles, but I try.

Anyway, you're left there wondering how I can have a nice, cozy, real little house without being the one from a magazine that can be for many people out of the question. I even get a lot of emails from people wanting tips on how they can improve, to make the house more beautiful, it goes a lot $$$ etc, etc, Well, there's no secret and to show how this is totally possible, here's a super house cozy, simple, but real and with great taste. And if you also want something similar then keep an eye on some tips:

A more cozy environment, needs color,

and here the composition with colorful pillows, carpet, and

that brown tone of the wall gave more life to the room


 Not to mention the mix of vintage dishes on the wall,

together with the pictures they gave a touch to more


objectold ones like this clock + chest of drawers and a contemporary piece of furniture make a

perfect duo breaks that old-fashioned feeling





And in case you have a lot of furniture, create sectors for them, in this case we have the living room, some

sideboards in the hall, see that they even changed the color on the wall, to give

the feeling of being in another environment.



Use what you have, this vintage radio unit serves as a sideboard, if you have a piece of furniture.

old and in good condition it is worth investing and using it is a charm


Panoramic view of the environment, you realize that it's not a big deal, but that's it

to propose a cozy environment is to be coherent not to pollute the space too much to know how to dose

just right



Basic simple kitchen, but very organized, this also helps to compose a house






Invest in paintings, cloths, engravings, all of this brings more life to the environment, imagine what

what would be of these 2 without this touch it would be dull right




And the icing on the cake, if you have a small balcony or space to do it, don't hesitate

in makes it more cozy, with table, chairs, bench etc… 



Just saw how simple, easy and cheap it is for $$$ to have a comfortable, cozy little house, and best of all with the decoration in your style.

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