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Sofa wall, how to take advantage of it!

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sofa wall decorating ideas

Sofa wall, wow what do I do to improve? Or how am I going to decorate it, what am I going to put in it? Maybe you've already asked these questions or thought about it a few times, or you don't even care about it, after all, you already have the couch leaning against it and nobody pays attention to it anyway, because they're going to sit and have their backs to it, right? But no, the wall behind the sofa can be very useful, to propose a more harmonious, cozy environment and even give an extra Plus to the decor of your living room.

Check out some ideas and take the opportunity to be inspired and change this concept, if you have it, or take advantage of the ideas and improve your wall


Making a composition with pictures, perhaps the most obvious issue for the sofa wall, is practical, more usual and certainly what gives more prominence, it is worth abusing the pictures, if you have a more cool style, bet on pictures with engravings, which send a message, will be well laid-back.

sofa wall ideas



If you prefer not to drill holes in the wall or think about how to compose the wall with pictures, use shelves like these thinner channels that are suitable for placing pictures or other decorative objects.


If one shelf is not enough, add more,

you can use one for smaller frames, and another one for larger frames


These shelves are great because they help those who don't have much idea of how they are going to compose the pictures, with them there is no mistake, just put them in the order you want, after all, they will all be lined up and aligned by the base, the result is always satisfactory.



If you have a larger space in your living room, or you don't want to place the sofa against the wall, or because it's just in the circulation area, etc.. but you still think that something is missing, that needs to be filled in and given an improvement . Maybe you can use furniture.


Here the paintings are the same theme, they were very interesting, and at the bottom of the wall you could even place a sideboard/buffet, which gained decorative accessories, books etc... more” this is due to the fact that the wall has a neutral color and the objects are harmonious, and that gave a soft contrast to the space, even the decoration line is more jovial, with strong colors it was harmonic.



Our option is to use shelves, this shelf is so discreet that it blends perfectly with the wall, and the decorative objects are the main characters. see if it has coherence, if there are too many or too few things, look for balance.


other ideas


If you're still not quite satisfied with pictures, shelves, furniture, here are other ideas for Wallpaper, it's a joker, you can highlight this wall with a wallpaper of your choice that matches the environment.



brick wall

Exposed brick is on the crest of the wave, who knows, it could be one more reason for you to improve that dull wall, you can even go in the do-it-yourself style, look here, or if it takes a lot of work, there are several wallpapers that imitate the so dreamy little brick.


sofa wall ideas


Mirror, why not! I'm not a big fan but it might be interesting!



wood panel

Today on the market it is possible to find wooden panels that you can place on the wall of your interest, or if you want to be more sustainable, you can use demolition wood, or leftovers from some renovation and create a unique wall.


There are many possibilities, get out of the comfort zone and give that sofa wall a Plus!

Images – Pinterest