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Marsala Color Trend 2015

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Marsala at Decor

Marsala the trend color for 2015, every year one color will stand out more than the others and be the trend, this happens a lot in the world of fashion, beauty, and interior decoration is no different, new colors always appear, others are revived anyway, renewal always because this public is demanding yes sir. But what up, you ask me what do I have to do with all this? Well, if you like to stay on top of the latest and follow the news to some extent, you'll like it, and if you're not much of that wave, I think you can also identify, because maybe you even have that shade of color " Marsala,” which is nothing more than a burgundy red, a wine, a more intense rust tone, anyway, the name Marsala is commercially classified even if you like it and look for that tone.

Check out:

 On furniture it goes very well, despite being a dark tone,

it has a certain neutrality that makes everything very elegant

marsala trend 2015


If you want to risk it, you can use it on the walls

remembering that it's always good to have balance



In accessories it looks very good, when your color palette

colors in the environment are more neutral


In this environment, the tone of Marsala stood out

due to good ambient lighting


Color Palette That Matches Marsala

