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House Renovation

Tips for renovating

The end of the year knocks on the door, a little extra money in your pocket like your 13th salary, and you think, I'm going to renovate my house, adjust it, repair it, paint it and that bunch of $$$ is flying, or rather invested, because everything you invest in improvements to our home is very important and is always welcome, because in addition to renovating and valuing your property, for perhaps a possible sale in the future or rent, this is taken into account when carrying out any of these transactions, but if your intention is none of these, but to enjoy a house that is all cute and tidy, is there anything better? This is where many people make mistakes, whether in hiring a good workforce or materials that are not suitable, in short, there are many doubts. Here are some tips so you can renovate your home properly, economically and safely.

tips to renovate


  • Make a general analysis of the house, check everything; the environments, note the that needs repairs, or finishes;
  • After having done the analysis of all environments, see what is a priority, think, can the reform be done in stages? I can do it all in oneturn and be free soon? This is up to you as long as you follow a schedule to organize yourself with start and end dates, this helps a lot so you will have an idea of how long it will take.
  • Hire professionals for the renovation such as painters, masons, plumbers, electricians, etc... the ideal is to analyze the work of these professionals, you can ask for referrals from people you know and who have already used the services of these specialists, speculate on how the service turned out and if are they reliable? Did they do a good job? Is the price affordable? In fact this is very relative, because each specialist stipulates a criterion, some charge per m² others for the daily service, it varies a lot in relation to the city, state,  keep an eye out and speculate in the region and see if they are charging on average. Depending on the renovation and if it requires greater complexity, hire a qualified professional such as an architect or interior designer, thus avoiding some inconvenience. 
  • Once you've agreed with the experts, it's time to buy the materials for the long-awaited renovation, make a list, ask the professional you hired to guide you as to the origin and quality of the products.
  • Finally, never forget to have a budget worksheet in hand, because you will not want to exceed the limits of your budget available for the renovation.

 Below is a simple budget spreadsheet template provided by house room, which you can change according to your needs.

budget worksheet - template

Good Reformation!

Image Credit;

web houses Folha de S.Paulo